- Less ugly Ashlee Simpson and her new nose in Florida [Hollywood Rag]
- Natalie Portman and her boy-hair on the set of her new movie [Egotastic]
- Petra Nemcova is a miracle worker [Hollywood Tuna]
- Bobby and Whitney: Best train wreck ever [City Rag]
- Reese Witherspoon wins another award [Just Jared]
- Denise Richards‘ lookalike sister comes to her defense [D Listed]
- Star Jones‘ fans (???) come to her defense [A Socialite’s Life]
- Maggie Gyllenhaal is a nightmare [Popsugar]
- For all you hardcore Saved By the Bell fans [College Humor]
- You’ve been kicked in the nuts! [Gorilla Mask]
- Aries Spears‘ awesome famous rapper impressions [Daily Sixer]
- Sofia Vergara at the NCLR ALMA Awards [the bastardly]
- Melanie Griffith in 1976 Playboy (NSFW) [Save Manny]