- Charlie Sheen launches “Sheen Kidz” clothing [Hollywood Rag]
- This guy is having sex with Kelly Osbourne [A Socialite’s Life]
- Scarlett Johansson on the set of her new movie [Hollywood Tuna]
- Tom Cruise might DJ at Coachella this weekend [City Rag]
- Sharon Stone needs a new stylist [D Listed]
- Even Brett Ratner is bored with Lindsay Lohan [Egotastic]
- Avril Lavigne: so ruff, so tuff, so punk, so lame [Popsugar]
- Pitt and Jolie: out and about in Namibia [Just Jared]
- Alex Rodriguez humps his bat [College Humor]
- Charlize Theron in black and white [Save Manny]
- “The Ambiguously Gay Duo” compilation [Gorilla Mask]