Leonardo DiCaprio’s Girlfriend Has a Secret

Victoria’s Secret model and Leonardo DiCaprio’s girlfriend, Bar Refaeli, has caused quite a stir in her native Israel over claims that she is a draft dodger. In Israel, all women ages 18-20 must enlist with the army unless they are “ultra-religious, physically disabled or married.” Refaeli was secretly married in 2004, one week before she was due to report for active duty. A family friend says:

Everyone knows why she got married. It doesn’t take a genius to work it out.”

The Israeli government’s enlistment provisos sound eerily familiar to my MySpace “what I don’t like in a girl” survey, so now that she’s not married, I really need to marry her or at least have sex with her. Leonardo is probably just a bump in the road, because now that she has a marriage and a draft dodging scandal behind her, her political career is sure to take off.


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