- Jessica Simpson shouldn’t be allowed to dress herself [Hollywood Rag]
- Katie Holmes is ready to lose her fake baby weight [A Socialite’s Life]
- Will Smith: the Fresh Prince of Jerusalem [Just Jared]
- Heather Locklear ruins a see-through moment [Hollywood Tuna]
- Mini Kiss mania hits NYC [City Rag]
- Brad Pitt to the rescue! [D Listed]
- Janet Jackson keeps getting thinner [Egotastic]
- Nick Lachey says, “boo hoo” [Popsugar]
- Shakira in DT Magazine [Gorilla Mask]
- Here’s one for all The Sopranos fans out there [College Humor]
- Jodie Marsh gallery (probably NSFW) [Daily Niner]
- Today Is the Longest Day of My Life (The Sentinel) [Pajiba]