Cameron Diaz is an Attention Whore

This is Cameron Diaz and the future ex-Mr. Cameron Diaz leaving the restaurant, Il Sole, one of the many high profile restaurants celebrities go knowing there will be paparazzi everywhere waiting at every entrance and exit, so why fucking go if you don’t want to be seen? But being the asshole she is, Cameron Diaz goes to places like these all the time and hides her face from every camera, thereby drawing even more attention to herself. However, it’s fine with me because I have no interest in looking at pictures of this swamp donkey’s massive face and doofy joker smile. Look at poor Justin over there. He looks like he’s about one Cameron Diaz *giggle snort* laugh away from pulling the trigger. Aim for her forehead, Justin. She has about six of them. You can’t miss!

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Cameron Diaz is hiding
Cameron Diaz never shuts up
Cameron Diaz is a spoiled brat


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