- George Clooney denies Lindsay Lohan … hahaha! [Egotastic]
- Yet another Jessica Simpson movie I won’t watch [Hollywood Rag]
- Art that sucks [City Rag]
- Like, we are SO punk! [A Socialite’s Life]
- Teri Snatcher NOT with Seacrest [D Listed]
- Russell Simmons may not be as smart as I thought [Popsugar]
- C’mon, let ’em behead Sienna Miller [Just Jared]
- Rebecca Romijn is still dating Jerry O’Connell [Hollywood Tuna]
- Suge Knight files for bankruptcy … hahaha! *ducks for cover* [TMZ]
- Jenna loves Adidas [Best Week Ever Blog]
- Brokeback March of the Penguins [Daily Sixer]
- Teaser trailer for The Simpsons movie – coming July 2007 [College Humor]

Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn took the stage at the 2025 Oscars with Andrew Garfield to present the Best Animated…