Sharon Stone Has Demands

We thought since Basic Instinct 2 opened at # 9 on the box office list this weekend (# 10 was the Larry the Cable Guy movie), and after raking in a pitiful $3.2 million, we hoped we would never have to write about Sharon Stone again. However, Stone’s on-set rider list has surfaced due to a lawsuit she filed, and settled, with the producers of the film. In the five page document, Stone and her lawyer detail her required perks while filming. Please keep in mind that this is in addition to her $14 million salary. Some choice excerpts include: $3,500 a day per diem, a presidential suite with 2 bedrooms, 3 nannies at $1,500 a week each, 24 hour bodyguards, 2 assistants, a personal trainer, first class travel for 6 (in case private jet travel is not available), the right to approve catering (if not approved, personal chef will be provided), no oil based smoke to be used as a special effect, no cigar smoke on set and a Pilates Cadillac for personal use.

Man, you have to wonder how a young actress who starred in a movie which grossed $350 million merely 14 years ago didn’t have producers knocking down her door to cast her since. Maybe it’s her wooden line delivery, maybe it’s her idiotic public statements or maybe it’s because of stuff like this. If I’m a producer and all I need is a bad actress to act slutty, I might as well get Paris Hilton. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know what a rider list is, and if she did, butt plugs and mouthwash aren’t all that expensive.


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