- Russell Simmons is finally having a moment of clarity [Popsugar]
- Mother, may I sleep with Tori Spelling‘s new show ? [City Rag]
- What’s with Brad Pitt‘s tramp stamp? [Hollywood Rag]
- The latest X3 promo pictures [Just Jared]
- Natalie Portman chillin’ in Toronto [Egotastic]
- Matt LeBlanc is filing for divorce [D Listed]
- Tom Cruise: Still a moron [A Socialite’s Life]
- Three 6 Mafia pimps Paris Hilton [Hollywood Tuna]
- Kristin Cavalleri in Blender [Gorilla Mask]
- Video interpretation of Sean Paul [College Humor]

Austin Richard Post, known as Post Malone, recently split from his fiancée and is now dating his new girlfriend, Christy…