- Why does Destiny’s Child get a star? [Hollywood Tuna]
- Tara Reid: Still drunk [City Rag]
- Busta Rhymes: Still a homophobe [Hollywood Rag]
- Angelina Jolie: Still pregnant [Popsugar]
- Sienna Miller: Still nuts [Egotastic]
- Reese Witherspoon in Interview Magazine [Just Jared]
- Leo DiCaprio‘s taste in women is getting bad [A Socialite’s Life]
- Surreal Life‘s Alexis Arquette wasn’t lying (NSFW MAN-parts) [D Listed]
- Stay Away (Stay Alive) [Pajiba]
- Brokeback Pulp Fiction [Daily Sixer]
- Sue Johanson: How to give a proper blowjob [College Humor]

Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn took the stage at the 2025 Oscars with Andrew Garfield to present the Best Animated…