- They couldn’t find anyone cuter than Julia Roberts? [A Socialite’s Life]
- Nicole Richie doesn’t like bathroom sex [Hollywood Rag]
- Charisma Carpenter wants to be Wonder Woman [Egotastic]
- Petra Nemcova gives great competition [Hollywood Tuna]
- A picture gallery of Wilmer Valderrama touching girls [City Rag]
- Nancy O’Dell sucks [D Listed]
- Kevin Smith needs to shut up and stop making movies [Popsugar]
- Matt Damon and Anna Paquin on the set of Margaret [Just Jared]
- Finally, a picture of baby Violet Affleck‘s face [The Cooler Blog]
- Britney‘s bodyguards sue [TMZ]
- Family Guy does Good Will Hunting [Daily Sixer]
- MC Hammer‘s rookie card [College Humor]
- Sophie Anderton has a nice NSFW shirt [The Bastardly]
- Penelope Cruz‘s butt needs help [Celeb News Wire]

Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn took the stage at the 2025 Oscars with Andrew Garfield to present the Best Animated…