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- Carmen Electra and her $3,000 drink [Hollywood Rag]
- Teenagers humping around in The O.C. [Egotastic]
- Rosario Dawson is lopsided [A Socialite’s Life]
- The Church of Scientology wants to buy Neverland Ranch [City Rag]
- Jessica Alba wants to be taken seriously [Hollywood Tuna]
- Douchebag Federline entertains Atlanta [D Listed]
- Kirsten Dunst as Fugly-Antoinette [Just Jared]
- Cindy Crawford on the cover of Vanity Fair [Popsugar]
- Here’s a French safe sex ad [College Humor]
“Git R’ DoneMommy … Please Save Me from the Bad Man” [Pajiba]- Media response to K-Fed’s “Fuck the Media” song [Best Week Ever Blog]
- “Who all seen da Leprechaun say yay!!” [Gorilla Mask]
Update: Y’all ain’t ready fo’ dis MySpace.