- Lindsay Lohan is always an idiot [Popsugar]
- Liza Minnelli is always nuts [Hollywood Rag]
- New ways to use Paris Hilton [City Rag]
- Ryan Reynolds is pretty [A Socialite’s Life]
- Natalie Portman: Dancing queen [Egotastic]
- Brad Pitt is smokin’ [Just Jared]
- Jodie Marsh is shy [Hollywood Tuna]
- Gross. Someone has sex with this thing [D Listed]
- The Genius of Emo [College Humor]
- Unnecessary Censorship 10 [Daily Sixer]
- The South Park Conspiracy Plot Thickens [Best Week Ever Blog]

Khloe Kardashian was such a girl’s girl for complimenting Selena Gomez‘s Oscars 2025 look by sharing photos on Snapchat. On…