- Jennifer Aniston encouraged to date George Clooney [Hollywood Rag]
- Snakes on a Plane has Oscar written all over it [Egotastic]
- Bad karma needles Britney Spears [City Rag]
- Tori Spelling‘s husband takes his dog fetish too far [D Listed]
- Adriana Lima (the virgin) in GQ [Hollywood Tuna]
- Natalie see, Natalie do [Just Jared]
- Papa Joe Simpson planted quote of the day [Popsugar]
- Is Lindsay Lohan humping Adrien Brody now? [A Socialite’s Life]
- If Jaws was a love story, this would be the trailer [Daily Sixer]
- Seven ways to welcome Katie Holmes‘ new baby [College Humor]
- Power to the People. Bitches. (V for Vendetta) [Pajiba]
- Lucy Pinder and her giant boobs hangin’ out at the pool [Smit Happens]
- Dave Navarro: Pissed off at TMZ [TMZ]

Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn took the stage at the 2025 Oscars with Andrew Garfield to present the Best Animated…