Madonna Must Be Joking

Although her “special working relationship” with record producer Stuart Price was allegedly the cause of the her recent marital problems, the real cause may have something to do with the story that Madonna has decided that her husband, film director Guy Ritchie, needs a change his behavior to save the couple’s five year marriage. Madonna has laid out ground rules for Ritchie which include an 11 p.m. curfew, no more than three pints of beer a night and at least three evenings at home per week.

With all due respect Madonna, you’re not really “Madonna” anymore. Whenever we see you dance now, it’s not sexy like it used to be and you can’t get away with everything you do or say anymore. I mean, you’re still entertaining and all, but most of us are watching while hoping you don’t break a hip. Oh, and just a thought – emasculating your husband may not be the best plan when trying to save a marriage. You would have an easier time trying to trap a grizzly bear with a butterfly net.


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