- Isaac “Chef” Hayes quits South Park [Hollywood Rag]
- Mariah Carey without makeup [City Rag]
- The new Lara Croft is certainly no Angelina Jolie [Hollywood Tuna]
- Michael Douglas says the darndest things [D Listed]
- 24‘s death toll is rising [Just Jared]
- Nicollette Sheridan and “No Talent Assclown” engaged [A Socialite’s Life]
- Scarlett Johansson is named “Top Natural Beauty” [Popsugar]
- Natalie Portman‘s nude scenes are toast [Egotastic]
- “Family Sucks” (The Sopranos and Big Love) [Pajiba]
- The Bam Margeras: Younger, cleaner and thinner [College Humor]
- French anchorwoman, Melissa Theuriau, topless (NSFW) [Daily Niner]
- Sir Sean Connery sues his country club [TMZ]

Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn took the stage at the 2025 Oscars with Andrew Garfield to present the Best Animated…