- Shitney Spears borrows Lohan‘s stupid peace sign pose [Hollywood Rag]
- Lindsay Lohan, keep your nasty mouth off of Salma Hayek [City Rag]
- Janet Jackson ass gettin’ a little less fat [Popsugar]
- Brad, Angelina, etc. in Berlin [Just Jared]
- Petra Nemcova‘s Sports Illustrated pictures [Hollywood Tuna]
- Paris Hilton is a cheap piece of trash [D Listed]
- Natalie Portman can’t afford London [Egotastic]
- It’s all fun and games until a horse poops on your head [College Humor]
- “Syphilis and Loathing in Old England” (The Libertine) [Pajiba]
- Hard to tell who’s the uglier kid – Jessica or Ashlee. It’s a tie. [Daily Sixer]
- Top 10 worst SNL cast members [the Phat Phree] via [Gorilla Mask]

Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn took the stage at the 2025 Oscars with Andrew Garfield to present the Best Animated…