- Eva Mendes and Joaquin Phoenix fuel dating rumors [A Socialite’s Life]
- Jessica Alba‘s scarf is the size of a bedspread [Hollywood Rag]
- Michael Jackson‘s Neverland Ranch is officially shut down [Popsugar]
- Jessica Simpson gets dumped via text message (LOL!) [Egotastic]
- Eva Longoria has a crush on Eva Mendes. Go for it! [City Rag]
- American Idol‘s top 16 [Just Jared]
- It’s raining Mariah Carey [Hollywood Tuna]
- Angelina Jolie wants even more kids [D Listed]
- You know you want this Chuck Norris tattoo on you [College Humor]
- Reservoir Dogs poster made entirely from the script [Daily Sixer]
- Here’s video of Chloe Sevigny on The View [Best Week Ever Blogs]
- Uma Thurman is back on the market [The Post Chronicle]
- Reese and Ryan: Not so perfect marriage? [National Ledger]

Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn took the stage at the 2025 Oscars with Andrew Garfield to present the Best Animated…