- Adam Sandler gets serious [Just Jared]
- Alyssa Milano inked and vamped at an Oscar party [Hollywood Rag]
- Kate Moss was a hard core coke snorter [A Socialite’s Life]
- Parrot Hilton [City Rag]
- Sharon Stone is ridiculous [Popsugar]
- Avril Lavigne must have one hell of an agent [Egotastic]
- Nice nipple tape, Pam Anderson. Why bother? [Hollywood Tuna]
- Natalie Portman raps on Saturday Night Live [D Listed]
- “Best Picture, My Ass” (Crash) [Pajiba]
- The Real Life Simpsons (video, great stuff) [College Humor]
- Crash the Oscars, go to jail [TMZ]
- Classic SNL: William Shatner at a Star Trek convention [Gorilla Mask]

Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn took the stage at the 2025 Oscars with Andrew Garfield to present the Best Animated…