- Madonna’s a bit touched [City Rag]
- Nicole Richie is eating for two [Hollywood Rag]
- Jessica Alba sues Playboy [A Socialite’s Life]
- Alyssa Milano’s new man [Just Jared]
- Gisele Bundchen goes wireless [Hollywood Tuna]
- Anna Nicole is better with sunglasses [D Listed]
- Colin Farrell is hard at work [Popsugar]
- Natalie Portman hosts SNL [Egotastic]
- Celebrity pot smokers (with pics) [Best Week Ever Blog]
- Joey Fatone digs incontinence [College Humor]
- Huge collection of Brokeback Mountain parodies [Daily Sixer]

Comedian Matt Lucas recently took to social media to apologize to Millie Bobby Brown. He apologized for making fun of…