- Heidi Klum kisses another woman [A Socialite’s Life]
- Vivica A. Fox should probably lay off the plastic surgery [Hollywood Rag]
- Will Smith pulls a Tom Cruise [Popsugar]
- Joan Rivers’ says her vagina looks like Willie Nelson [City Rag]
- Stacy Keibler gets robbed [Hollywood Tuna]
- Petra Nemcova and Bruce Willis are dating [Egotastic]
- Thank you for smoking, Katie Holmes [Just Jared]
- Jordan goes gangster [D Listed]
- Jessica Alba’s sexiness has been authenticated [CelebNewsWire]
- Real rappers apparently want to work with K-Fed [Pink Is The New Blog]
- Cyber girl Mackenzie Ryan poses for Playboy (NSFW) [Daily Niner]
- Another inspiring Rudy-like story [College Humor]
- Master P in court standing trial for felony gun possession [TMZ]

Comedian Matt Lucas recently took to social media to apologize to Millie Bobby Brown. He apologized for making fun of…