Jenny McCarthy Wants an Orgy

Although she has recently refuted Jenna Jameson’s story that the pair had sex in a Las Vegas restroom, Jenny McCarthy is now saying that she would love to take part in an orgy. The former Playboy Playmate believes her breasts are so awesome they must be shared with as many naked bodies as possible.

I always wanted an orgy to see what it was like, but never got the opportunity. I have good boobs and I know they’d get a lot of attention. Hey if someone’s tickling my body parts I’m happy.”

My 1995 diary is very specific in the fact that the first time I have sex with Jenny McCarthy it’s during a foursome with Alyssa Milano and that waitress from Red Lobster. The drawings in the margin clearly show that Jenny surprisingly likes anal and that Alyssa should really rinse that stuff out of her eyes before it dries. So based on that, it’s pretty obvious to me that Jenny McCarthy would eventually say something like this. She’s probably been gangbanged by the New York Knicks and already forgotten about it, but what do you expect? It’s Jenny McCarthy. She’s dumb. She could find Bigfoot riding a dolphin in her swimming pool, and when you’d ask her about it the next day, she would just belch and ask you to pull her finger.