- Sienna Miller is looking a little rough [Egotastic]
- Update on K-Fed’s mystery chick [Hollywood Rag]
- Dude, where’s my scandal? [City Rag]
- James Bond needs some teef [Just Jared]
- Patrick Dempsey likes it fast [A Socialite’s Life]
- Denise Richards and John Stamos? [Popsugar]
- Jaime Pressly is one hot piece of white trash ass [Hollywood Tuna]
- Hell to the no. Check out Bobby and Whitney [D Listed]
- Loaded’s best celebrity chests of 2005 @ [Daily Niner] (NSFW)
- Paris Hilton’s panties are the life of the party [CelebNewsWire]
- Sex with a ghost? (The Post Show) [College Humor]
- The Mid-Life Crisis Jacket [Best Week Ever Blog]
- “Really, Just Stay Home and Rent The Jerk” (The Pink Panther) [Pajiba]

Khloe Kardashian was such a girl’s girl for complimenting Selena Gomez‘s Oscars 2025 look by sharing photos on Snapchat. On…