- Kimberly Stewart scares babies [A Socialite’s Life]
- Kevin Federline wants respect [Hollywood Rag]
- Pink is not Just for women; Fergie wears it, too [Hollywood Tuna]
- Beckinsale and Biel are sweating [Egotastic]
- 2005 Miss Prisoner Pagent [City Rag]
- Stars who look like their dogs [TMZ]
- Kristin’s 15 minutes are up (I hope.) [Popsugar]
- Cameron Diaz almost died (nsfw boobie pic) [D Listed]
- Ashton Kutcher is The Guardian [Just Jared]
- Trick shot magic, baby. (video) [College Humor]
- This SNL sketch never gets old (video) [Smit Happens]

Sydney Sweeney‘s recent video from the 2025 Vanity Fair Oscar After Party has captured the hearts of many fans on…