- Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz spice up Mexico City [Hollywood Rag]
- Jennifer Aniston is gambling and boozing it up [A Socialite’s Life]
- Angelina Jolie’s flight du jour [Just Jared]
- Martha Stewart always looks miserable [City Rag]
- Halle Berry’s tasty Hasty Pudding [Egotastic]
- Dita Von Teese in British Harper’s Bazaar [Hollywood Tuna]
- Tom and Katie are thrilled their friend is dead [Popsugar]
- “Why Does God Hate Us So?” (Date Movie) [Pajiba]
- Worst pick-up lines ever [College Humor]
- Inappropriate movie drinking games [College Humor]
- Jennifer Ellison in NUTS magazine [Gorilla Mask]
- Your daily dose of Danza [Best Week Ever Blog]
- Britney begs for help [Yeeeah]
- Anne Hathaway sideboob [Bastardly]
- Happy Birthday, Paris Hilton! [Jossip]

Khloe Kardashian was such a girl’s girl for complimenting Selena Gomez‘s Oscars 2025 look by sharing photos on Snapchat. On…