- Marilyn Manson and Dita Von Teese at the Brit Awards [Hollywood Rag]
- More of the Brit Awards freak show [D Listed]
- Cindy Margolis is not big enough [Hollywood Tuna]
- Lindsay Lohan in Allure [Egotastic]
- Brad Pitt plays daddy [A Socialite’s Life]
- Winona Ryder rides again [Just Jared]
- So soft you’ll swear they’re puppies [City Rag]
- Tom and Katie in Australia [Popsugar]
- Topless Kirsten Dunst? (nsfw boobies) [College Humor]
- Kristen Bell in March 2006 Maxim [Gorilla Mask]
- “Pretty people with problems” (London) [Pajiba]

Sydney Sweeney‘s recent video from the 2025 Vanity Fair Oscar After Party has captured the hearts of many fans on…