Kid Rock and Scott Stapp are Porn Stars

The big story today is Red Light District’s announcement that they have in their dirty paws a sex tape starring Kid Rock, Creed frontman Scott Stapp and a group of hoochies doing very un-Christian-like things on a tour bus. The tape is from about six years ago when Kid Rock and Creed were touring together. Red Light’s president David Joseph said,

We acquired the tape from a third party. We haven’t decided exactly what we are doing with it but our goal is to release it towards the middle or end of this year.”

If I had Since I have the low standards of a groupie, I would probably get drunk enough to give oral to Kid Rock. But seeing and hearing pain in the ass Scott Stapp on the bus would dry out my mouth so fast I would look like “Flick” in A Christmas Story with his tongue stuck to the flag pole. “Mithter Rock, can you pleasth tell that athhole to get off the buth tho I can finith?”

Note: The pretty much safe for work video above is only a preview of the full length video. Heh heh. I said “full length.”

Thanks to Sally D. for the links!


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