- PETA shows their love to Paris Hilton [D Listed]
- David Hasselhoff is cheesy as ever [Hollywood Rag]
- The art of celebrity retouching [City Rag]
- Affleck, Garner and the baby [A Socialite’s Life]
- The new Lara Croft [Hollywood Tuna]
- Lindsay Lohan pretends to be a grown-up [Egotastic]
- Papa Joe plays cover-up again [Popsugar]
- Terrence Howard will not be a pimp [Just Jared]
- Maria Sharapova’s 2006 SI Swimsuit Edition shoot [Gorilla Mask]
- Jessie Spano is a tweaker (video) [College Humor]
- “How I Learned to Love the (Box Office) Bomb” (Eight Below) [Pajiba]
- Cruise/Oprah: The way it should have been [Best Week Ever]

Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn took the stage at the 2025 Oscars with Andrew Garfield to present the Best Animated…