- Britney Spears to add to New Orleans’ woes [A Socialite’s Life]
- Carmen Electra and some blow up dolls [Hollywood Rag]
- Natalie Portman likes being shaved [Egotastic]
- Celebrity reflection [City Rag]
- Tyra Banks: ANTM cycle six [Just Jared]
- Kelly Clarkson’s golden performance [Hollywood Tuna]
- Nicole and Keith’s wedding plans [Popsugar]
- Ryan Cabrera likes raunchy bathroom sex [D Listed]
- Carmen Electra doing wet, topless things (NSFW) [Gorilla Mask]
- More news on what killed Chris Penn [The Post Chronicle]

Kanye West and his wife, Bianca Censori, made a jaw-dropping appearance at the 2025 Grammys. The Australian model turned red…