- Hilary Duff’s mouth full of teeth [Hollywood Tuna]
- Paris Hilton fragrance: Smell just like skank [Hollywood Rag]
- This is the guy who says he’s Clay Aiken’s lover [City Rag]
- Jessica Alba in (but not naked in) Playboy [Egotastic]
- Britney back on Will & Grace [Popsugar]
- Is Sienna Miller shrinking? [A Socialite’s Life]
- Halle Berry dating Versace model [Just Jared]
- Are Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz lovers? [D Listed]
- Marisa Miller topless in GQ (big NSFW boobies) [Gorilla Mask]
- “Destination: Awesome” (Final Destination 3) [Pajiba]

Sydney Sweeney‘s recent video from the 2025 Vanity Fair Oscar After Party has captured the hearts of many fans on…