- Maddox Jolie Pitt: Cultural icon [City Rag]
- Paris Hilton and Val Kilmer tongue wrestle [Hollywood Rag]
- Bono’s National Prayer Breakfast [Just Jared]
- Tommy Lee and Fergie: Together at last [A Socialite’s Life]
- Jordan gets formal [Hollywood Tuna]
- Some chicks have no business being in FHM [D Listed]
- Cindy Crawford’s hubby = Hot Daddy [Popsugar]
- Super Bowl FedEx commercial – Dinosaur [College Humor]
- V for Vendetta Super Bowl trailer [Egotastic]

Khloe Kardashian was such a girl’s girl for complimenting Selena Gomez‘s Oscars 2025 look by sharing photos on Snapchat. On…