- Is Madonna stepping out on Guy Ritchie? [A Socialite’s Life]
- Brad and Angelina attacked by crazed Aniston fan [Hollywood Rag]
- Paris Hilton and her twin [City Rag]
- Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow are over [Popsugar]
- “Christ! Just Hang up the Fucking Phone.” (When a Stranger Calls) [Pajiba]
- Angelina in Sin City 2? [Egotastic]
- On the set of Spider-Man 3 [Just Jared]
- Pamela Anderson hides behind her boobs [Hollywood Tuna]
- Please don’t buy Parisite’s trash! [D Listed]
- Carmen Electra in March 2006’s Loaded [Gorilla Mask]
- Anyone wanna watch girls making out? (video) [College Humor]

Kanye West and his wife, Bianca Censori, made a jaw-dropping appearance at the 2025 Grammys. The Australian model turned red…