- Beyonce and Jay-Z’s Miami mansion [Hollywood Rag]
- Ashlee Simpson and David Lee Roth: Twins [City Rag]
- Owen Wilson and Ellen Degeneres: Twins [City Rag]
- Tyra Banks has gone to the pits (eeewwww!!) [Hollywood Tuna]
- Pamela Anderson needs a new bra [A Socialite’s Life]
- Mischa Barton is a fat pig [Egotastic]
- Elisha Cuthbert’s beat-up boyfriend [Popsugar]
- Fergie’s feature film [Just Jared]
- FHM’s 2006 calendar (hawtness) [Gorilla Mask]
- Chuck Norris, The Undertaker and Yokozuna (video) [College Humor]

Sydney Sweeney‘s recent video from the 2025 Vanity Fair Oscar After Party has captured the hearts of many fans on…