- Hayden and Sienna’s morning after [Just Jared]
- Duh, um, er, uh what the funk?! [Hollywood Rag]
- Cindyyy … Cindy Crawford [Hollywood Tuna]
- Steamy Sundance [City Rag]
- Jake Gyllenhaal and Sophia Bush are flirting [Egotastic]
- Kate Beckinsale is scared [A Socialite’s Life]
- Someone should have pushed Paris Hilton [D Listed]
- Kate Beckinsale’s Giant and GQ 2006 spreads [Gorilla Mask]
- Scarlett Johansson SNL (video) [Smit Happens]
- Kate Moss goes to police [Popsugar]
- Best Week Ever’s bigger and badder blog [Best Week Ever]
- “The movie you need is …” [Pajiba]

Jordon Hudson, the 24-year-old girlfriend of Bill Belichick, is facing criticism after a recent public appearance. While the couple’s significant…