Angelina Jolie’s Sonogram Is Up For Bid

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“woohoo mystery man” over on eBay is auctioning off what he says is an authentic sonogram picture of what’s growing inside Angelina Jolie’s plump little tummy. Quoth woohoo:

The ultrasound picture was given to a friend of mine. They sent it to me as a gift. I own the picture 100% and I am offering it to the highest bidder on eBay.”

I don’t know if it’s the real thing since “A[black box] Jolie” and “Dr. [black box]” don’t prove much. But I gotta go with woohoo on this one since with a name like “woohoo”, he seems pretty legit. This does seem to prove my previous claim that it’s my baby she’s carrying. The little bugger looks just like me … except without all that bothersome skin, eyeballs and vagina getting in the way.

Check out woohoo mystery man’s eBay auction here.

Update: This auction was already yanked from eBay within the last hour, so here’s a screencap of the auction.

Thanks to Trevor for the link!


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