- Nicole Richie and Steve-O [A Socialite’s Life]
- Hot in 2006: Celebrity pot-heads [City Rag]
- Britney Spears loves being Mommy [Hollywood Rag]
- Ladies, all THIS can be yours [Perez Hilton]
- Are JT and Cameron Engaged? [Popsugar]
- Nicole Kidman: Engaged or married? [Just Jared]
- Kelly Ripa should lay off the Botox [D Listed]
- Jenna Jameson at the AVN awards [Hollywood Tuna]
- Elizabeth Hurley is too popular [Egotastic]
- I really, really, really love this commercial. Push it good. [Smit Happens]
- “Take it to the Glory Hole” [Pajiba]
- (nsfw?) Scene from this Friday’s MTV “Wildboyz” [College Humor]

Austin Richard Post, known as Post Malone, recently split from his fiancée and is now dating his new girlfriend, Christy…