Happy Holidays and Thank You

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I’m taking off out of state for the holidays, so there won’t be any new posts for a couple of days. I’ll have Internet access, so I’m hoping to continue to update the site while I’m away.

Thanks to all of you for your support and helping the site continue to grow. We’ve only been around six months and have tracked over 18 million page views to date which blows my mind. I’ll be back up to speed and posting more updates daily after the weekend, so thanks for putting up with the lack of them until then. I hope you all have a fantastic holiday weekend! And a Merry Christmas, too.

– Jenny

Update: I didn’t have the Internet access I thought I would in order to update the site while I’m away, so for that I apologize. I’ll be back at it and make it up to you all after the 1st. Until then, have a safe and happy New Year’s, and try to stay out of trouble … or don’t get caught.


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