- Scarlett Johansson’s cleavage held at customs [Egotastic]
- Uma Thurman filming Super Ex-Girlfriend [Hollywood Tuna]
- Sarah Jessica Parker slams Posh Spice [Hollywood Rag]
- Keira Knightley takes the plunge [Just Jared]
- He-Man and She-Ra clearly want to bang [City Rag]
- Jennifer Aniston gives us another bomb [A Socialite’s Life]
- More on Nick and Jessica [Popsugar]
- Lindsay on top [Perez Hilton]
- Whip-crack went the three-hour tale and the beast was done [Pajiba]
- Top 5 celeb babes of 2005 [MegaStar]
- Bored? [I-Am-Bored]

Khloe Kardashian was such a girl’s girl for complimenting Selena Gomez‘s Oscars 2025 look by sharing photos on Snapchat. On…