- Denise Richards post pregnancy in a bikini [Hollywood Tuna]
- Camilla Belle pictures [Egotastic]
- ‘Caption It’ and win stuff! Yay stuff! [A Socialite’s Life]
- Tom Cruise blows [Hollywood Rag]
- Jessica files for divorce. O noes! [Popsugar]
- Matthew McConaughey (he’ll always be Wooderson to me) [Just Jared]
- Photoshop Madhouse [Perez Hilton]
- Merry Christmas from the Pitts [D Listed]
- MTV Cribs: Santa Clause [Save Manny]
- George Clooney speech worse than ER re-runs [Jossip]

Curious about the status of daylight saving time in the U.S.? The twice-yearly time change has been a topic of debate for years,…