- Matt Damon enters the tube (The Good Shepherd) [Just Jared]
- Jenna Jameson can’t get action in Arizona [Hollywood Tuna]
- Britney Spears honeymoon photos on Ebay [City Rag]
- Hollywood’s latest bugs [Hollywood Rag]
- Victoria Beckham looking scary [A Socialite’s Life]
- Evangeline: Again with the ugly friggin’ boots [A Socialite’s Life]
- Lindsay Lohan joins Chanel (she’s wearing my glasses) [Egotastic]
- Paris Hilton, her boob and Fred Durst [Popsugar]
- Caption me: Kirsten Dunst (she’s a nightmare) [Perez Hilton]
- Caption this contest (good lord) [D Listed]
- Kelly Osbourne: A couple teeth away from rehab [Bastardly]
- Lucy Pinder at the pool. Oh. My. Boobies. (SFW) [Smit Happens]
- A Dykotomy: Your guide to collegiate lesbians [College Humor]

Curious about the status of daylight saving time in the U.S.? The twice-yearly time change has been a topic of debate for years,…