- Sienna Miller and her moustache at the Casanova premiere [Egotastic]
- Kate Beckinsdale has a post-workout smoke [A Socialite’s Life]
- Urth to Mandy Moore and Zach Braff [Just Jared]
- Mischa Barton and boyfriend in Malibu [Hollywood Rag]
- Lighting Lindsay Lohan [City Rag]
- Paris and Nicky head to Tokyo [Popsugar]
- Lucy Pinder & Michelle Marsh’s S&M Christmas [Hollywood Tuna]
- The secret of Kirsten Dunst’s sexiness [Perez Hilton]
- That Brokeback got me good (Brokeback Mountain review) [Pajiba]
- Video from the premiere of Sarah Silverman’s new movie [College Humor]
- Lindsay Lohan doesn’t change facial expressions [YTMND]
- Paris Hilton doesn’t change facial expressions [YTMND]

Kanye West and his wife, Bianca Censori, made a jaw-dropping appearance at the 2025 Grammys. The Australian model turned red…