- Brad Pitt breaks bikes [Just Jared]
- Carrot Top and Danny Bonaduce: Separated at gross [City Rag]
- Paris Hilton has a hickey [A Socialite’s Life]
- Tyra Banks: America’s top moustache [Hollywood Tuna]
- Zhang Ziyi makes people angry [Egotastic]
- Mariah Carey is the ultimate diva [Hollywood Rag]
- Matt Damon to be a dad [Popsugar]
- Say goodbye to Neverland [Perez Hilton]
- Eminem and wife reuinite [Celebrity Baby Blog]
- Say hello to Affleck and Garner’s baby [Violet Anne Affleck] Thanks, Cam!

Austin Richard Post, known as Post Malone, recently split from his fiancée and is now dating his new girlfriend, Christy…