- Kevin Federline is a homie [A Socialite’s Life]
- Kimora Lee Simmons goes blonde (nightmare) [Hollywood Rag]
- Chloe Sevigny in a little, black bikini [Hollywood Tuna]
- Hollywood’s sexiest body parts [City Rag]
- Save Jake! [Perez Hilton]
- Lindsay Lohan can’t sing (video to prove it) [Egotastic]
- A Posh boob job [Popsugar]
- Vince Vaughn snips a bit [Just Jared]
- Teens do the dumbest things … like snorting Vodka [College Humor]

Khloe Kardashian was such a girl’s girl for complimenting Selena Gomez‘s Oscars 2025 look by sharing photos on Snapchat. On…