- Madamism: celebrity plastic surgery gone too far [CityRag]
- Mischa Barton needs a new stylist [Egotastic]
- Victoria Silverstedt’s butt cheeks catch a breeze [Hollywood Tuna]
- Worst soccer goalie ever (video) [College Humor]
- Eddie Murphy and Johnny Gill together [A Socialite’s Life]
- I told you Eddie’s gay (insert obligatory Seinfeld joke here)
- Marilyn Monroe’s deadly enema injection (!?) [Hollywood Rag]
- Kelly Clarkson: Wrong down under [Perez Hilton]
- LL (not the rapper) has it all [Popsugar]
- Wentworth Miller, a.k.a. Stinky [Just Jared]

Austin Richard Post, known as Post Malone, recently split from his fiancée and is now dating his new girlfriend, Christy…