- Video of Jake Gyllenhaal’s naked ass in Jarhead [A Socialite’s Life]
- Celebrity religious icons [City Rag]
- Hilary Duff’s crappy new music properly slammed [Hollywood Tuna]
- Evangeline Lilly bikini makeout session [Egotastic]
- Pink and Boyfriend have matching hair [Hollywood Rag]
- Girl sings and shatters glass (video) [College Humor]
- Worst dressed of the day [Popsugar]
- To all the women of the world … thank you [Perez Hilton]
- Chris Klein’s thoughts on ex-gf Katie Holmes and the new bf [Defamer]
- Vince Vaughn’s nose hairs gone wild [Just Jared]
- “Zumanji” (Zathura review) [Pajiba]

Kanye West and his wife, Bianca Censori, made a jaw-dropping appearance at the 2025 Grammys. The Australian model turned red…