- Wanted: For destroying music (this means you, Asslee) [Hollywood Tuna]
- Madonna: over hyped and beyond dull [City Rag]
- Michigan State marching band performs Family Guy song [College Humor]
- Adam Sandler rides pink bike in bath robe [Hollywood Rag]
- Caption Me: Kate Moss (rehab’s a bitch) [Perez Hilton]
- Matthew’s birthday golf round [Popsugar]
- A performance Jared Leto may have come to regret [A Socialite’s Life]
- Spider Man 3 villian revealed [Egotastic]
- Angelina Jolie looks like an alien [Just Jared]
- I am – Freddie Prinze Jr. steps in dog shit [Drunken Stepfather]

Austin Richard Post, known as Post Malone, recently split from his fiancée and is now dating his new girlfriend, Christy…