Angelina Jolie is pissed off

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Various reports are saying Angelina Jolie stormed off the set of Beowulf when she found out her co-star, Ray Winstone, leaked the news that Angelina and Brad Pitt are engaged to be married. She is refusing to return to the set until Winstone apologizes.

It’s left poor Robert Zemeckis (director) in an awful position. ‘Most of Angelina and Ray’s scenes also feature Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich and Crispin Glover, so Robert risks losing these big names unless he reconciles the feuding pair.’

An insider claims the ‘Tomb Raider’ star is furious because she and Brad weren’t ready to go public with their plans. The source said: ‘They weren’t ready to announce their wedding plans. They had hired Tom Cruise’s ex-PR guru Pat Kingsley to improve their love-rat reputations before they went public. So the film’s on hold until Angelina and Ray settles their differences. They’re both so stubborn no one knows who’ll win.'”

Angelina is one of the few people in Hollywood who can get away with this crap and she may even manage to get this gossipy Ray guy fired from the movie if she really wants. Her hotness is that powerful. I’ve had a few spats with my life size Angelina poster(s). Each time I’ve said something that made her mad, the house would shake and steak knives would shoot out of the drawer and fly across the room … then she would withhold sex. So my best advice would be to stay on Angie’s good side because life is much sweeter when she’s happy.

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