Pharrell is mushy

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Singer/rapper/producer, Pharrell Williams, of N.E.R.D. and The Neptunes fame says he’s ready to marry the girl he’s been dating.

It’s close, man. It’s really close. There’s definitely a girl that I love… She hears my whispers. She knows my dreams and she knows my heart.”

“She hears my whispers”? “She knows my dreams”? That’s the best he could come up with to sell this girl? He’s a creative and talented guy, so you’d think he’d come up with one of those confessions of love that cause women to elbow their men in the ribs and say, “Why can’t you be more like Pharrell?” Instead, all he could muster up were compliments which were about as romantic as, “She knows the alphabet and she has all of her teeth.”

I don’t think I really care about Pharrell’s love life. I don’t know who this girl is and I’m not entirely sure Pharrell does either. I just wanted an excuse to post his big fan of Kid ‘N Play, watched House Party too many times high school yearbook picture.


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