Madonna wears the pants

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Guy Ritchie says he will cast his wife, Madonna, in another movie even though Swept Away was an embarrassing failure and Madge’s influence was likely the kiss of death for Revolver. It may seem like an ill thought out decision on Guy’s part, but there are a couple of things to consider here. Even though many people love to hate Madonna, most will still watch her movies because either they need new material with which to make fun of her, or they’re closet Madonna fans. Another thing to keep in mind is that Madonna is worth like a bazillion dollars and she’s a psycho hose beast when she’s angry (plus she’s really buff). If this is what Guy needs to do in order to keep the peace in their 75 homes, then more power to him.

In other news, Madonna’s new album, Confessions on a Dance Floor, is set to be released on November 15, 2005. Below is the cover of the new album. I prefer her as a slutty, cone shaped bra wearing, cat o’ nine tails wielding platinum blonde, but I’m a freaky horndoggie, so I guess you’d expect that of me.


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