Madonna has a riding accident, breaks 5 bones

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The Globe and Mail is reporting that Madonna suffered a riding accident today and broke three ribs, her collarbone and her hand.

Madonna’s 47th birthday celebration was marred when she suffered several broken bones in a horse riding accident at her country home outside London. The superstar was hospitalized with three cracked ribs, a broken collarbone and a broken hand. The accident occurred Tuesday at Ashcombe house, her estate outside of London. Madonna and an assistant were riding horses, when Madonna, on a new horse she wasn’t accustomed to riding, took a tumble.”

This actually sounds pretty bad, but I don’t like Madonna, so I don’t really care. And it’s not really surprising since she was riding a horse she wasn’t comfortable with. I didn’t win 6 gold medals in equestrian just because my ass looks good in chaps. My approach has always been to build trust, that’s why I feed them by putting apples in my mouth and lean forward like were kissing.