Matt Damon is Lance Armstrong

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As cyclist Lance Armstrong strengthens his grip today on a seventh consecutive victory in the Tour de France, several sources are reporting that Matt Damon might be about to step into the role of Armstrong in an upcoming biopic. 8 Mile screenwriter Scott Silver has been hired by Sony Pictures to work on a first draft and Armstrong had this to say in the magazine Men’s Journal:

“I’ve had the chance to get to know Matt Damon. He is a fan of cycling and has a connection to cancer. He has expressed an interest in the role…”

Like every other person alive, I’m impressed as hell with what Armstrong has done and what he has overcome. His victory over a very aggressive cancer is obviously empowering and heartwarming. And I like Matt Damon a lot, but cycling isn’t the most watchable sport in the world, so I’m not sure how that might translate on screen. I can’t watch it, and absolutely nothing makes me happier than to see an American piss off the French. It’s really only worth watching to hear the commentators wanna kill themselves. 12 hours of, “So Jim, what do you think Lance is gonna do now?” “Well … I think he’s gonna try to pedal faster than those other guys. Back to you Tom.”

At about the half way point you swear they’re just gonna open up the paper and start reading. “Bad news Jim, ‘China stalls on trade pact…'”


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